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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring 2009

This session we will work on standing poses and twists, while still maintaining a healthy respect for the phases of the moon and the poses they dictate.

Standing poses should be an integral part of any yogi's regular practice. Standing poses strengthen the legs, bring healthy circulation to the legs and internal organs and, as a bonus, the arms usually get a thorough work-out as well.

Twists support the cleansing nature that comes with the springtime and makes our insides fresh and new.

Here are some of our favorites:

Side Angle Pose

Warrior II

Triangle Pose


Sunday, April 19, 2009

2008 - Winter

We allowed the phases of the moon to dictate the type of practice we followed: Here are some of the main poses we worked on:

2008 - Fall

Fall of 2008 brought us closer to understanding the basic categories of yoga poses and their various actions and effects. Here were some of the main poses during that session:

2008 - Summer

Fall of 2008 involved learning about leg health and the stability of the pelvis. There was much standing, stretching and strengthening to be done, and we sure did! Here are a few of the main poses worked on during that session: