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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is a challenging sequence.  Challenging but good.  I have found that once we finish parsvottanasana (side angle pose), it's time for a breather.  This always seems like a good time to rest in balasana (child's pose) and do a little side stretching, then some lunges then a little work in downward dog, although it's not officially on the agenda yet.  Then back to the standing poses and finishing with the inversions.

I see, hear and feel you all struggle through the class and I am aware that some of this stuff if pretty hard.  I see you challenge yourself and work harder than you think you can.  I also see the restful, peaceful faces when you are all done and getting ready to go home.

You can begin to gauge your progress by how much easier the poses feel over time and how much more you can work on a poses' finer points while you are actually in the pose.  This ability takes time, determination and effort but it will come.

Pixie says you're doing a great job and keep up the good work!


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