I am up to weeks 16-17 and, surprisingly enough, this is the first week that Downward Dog makes an appearance. The first half of the practice is clearly focused on developing solid strength and beginning an inverted practice by introducing shoulder stand immediately.

In the beginning class, we will start right from the beginning of the course. We will begin each class by warming up then we'll get right into the practice. In the continuing class, we will also warm up, then we'll practice headstand before proceeding to the Course 1 practice. Mr. Iyengar doesn't introduce headstand until late in the first half of Course One but since we have been working on it I don't want to regress. However, there is no handstand in Course One so, for now, we will forego our handstand practice in class. That inversion, however, will be replaced by shoulder stand. I think we will find all the standing poses actually help bring a new sense of ease to head and shoulder stand.
P.S. Pixie is practicing Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) which makes an early appearance in Course One.
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